IT developments and solutions from the IT Student Experience team.

Preconfiguring emergent disruption in an agile way.

Friday 23 October 2015

QuAK Quick Start Guide

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QuAK-icon .png
As we will be demonstrating a few of our apps at the next Communications Forum at Brookes next Monday it may be useful to have an overview of the intended usage of the apps. To kick things off here is QuAK (the “Question Answer Knowledge” app)
This has been developed from a winning entry in the Oxford Brookes app competition, submitted by Brookes student Tom Wilford.

The app is designed to allow students to ask questions during lectures either anonymously or not, and for module leaders and other students to be able to answer them, either in lectures or at a later time.

How it works
Students log into the app using their usual Brookes credentials and see a list of courses from the semester which they are currently enrolled on. They can then click on a course to see question forums within that course. Once in a question forum (e.g. Week 8) students can ask a question or suggest an answer to an existing question. Please note that answers are not anonymous.  

Lecturers will log in and be able to set-up question forums on any of their courses.  These could, for example, relate to a particular week in the semester.

Note: the app uses Forums that are stored within Moodle so can be accessed from any PC, mobile device or Chromebook. This also allows content to be searched, exported, etc.  Note that any posts made directly via Moodle will not be anonymous.

The app can be downloaded for free from Google Play or the Apple App Store

Screenshot_2014-12-18-11-34-39.pngLogging in

Login is done with Brookes staff or student credentials, as for Moodle (staff or student number).


Courses Page

Once logged in all users will see a list of their courses which are running in the current semester.
They may then choose a course.

Question forums screen

Once the course has been chosen users will see a list of current question forums.

At this point Module Leaders can add a Question Forum.
If a digit is entered under “week number/topic” a forum activity will be added under that week number on the relevant course. e.g. if “5” is entered as the “week number/topic” then this activity will be listed under week 5 on the course.

Alternatively text may be entered and the question forum will be added to the first section of the course.

Back on the Question Forums page users can select a forum and will then see a list of questions that have been asked.


At the bottom of the page users have an option to “Ask question” and can choose to be anonymous or not.  The default setting is anonymous.


On the Answers page, module leaders can use the “Delete question” button to delete a question, if required.

On the Answers page the identity of the person answering will always be shown.

The refresh button can be used to update the list of questions and answers at any time.  Going into a page will also force it to refresh.

Please note: users will remain logged into the app unless they use the Logout button.

That is it. Hopefully it is simple and straightforward and easy to use in many situations. We recently used it at an OBIS Development Day and it proved useful for capturing interesting questions that there may not have been time to deal with individually. These questions were then followed up with answers after the session. As everything is stored in Moodle activities these can be revisited at any time to promote further discussion or reflection.

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